The Belton Band Boosters mission and purpose is:
•To support the Belton High School cluster band programs in developing and carrying out these programs to promote a greater understanding, visibility, and appreciation of music through education.
•To promote, facilitate, assist, and encourage a spirit of fellowship and cooperation among the membership of the BBB and the community.
•To provide moral and financial support, accept and disburse funds, and otherwise assist the entire band membership through cooperation with and guidance from the band directors.
Boosters are made up of anyone who supports the Bands (including Winds, Drum Line, and Guards).
2022-2023 Booster Officers
President - Liz Adams
VP Operations - Melinda Lanham
VP Events - Cassie Fothergill
VP Revenue - Ashley Boland m100fundraiser@gmail.com
Treasurer - Sarah McCormick: m100boosters.treasurer@gmail.com
Secretary - Tanya Larson
2022-2023 Booster Committee Chairs
Chaperone & Volunteer Coordinator - Colleen Stearns
Communications - Stacy Ainsworth
Uniforms - Linda Grant and Lori Vance
Hospitality - Jennifer Little
Spirit Wear - Jessica Dieter
Spirit Shop - Susan Vahrenkamp
Props - Duane Fuller
Guard - Kristie Blattner and April Luce
Webmaster - Chris Pulley
Media - Jared Isaacs
2022-2023 Booster Meetings
Band Boosters meetings for the 2022-2023 year are held monthly in the Belton High School Commons starting at
6:30pm on the dates listed below:
Monday, August 1 - Meeting Minutes
Monday, September 12 - Meeting Minutes
Monday, October 3 - Meeting Minutes
Monday, November 7 - Meeting Minutes
Monday, December 5 - No Meeting
Monday, January 9 - Meeting Minutes
Monday, February 6 - Meeting Minutes
Monday, March 6
Monday, April 3 - Meeting Minutes
Monday, May 1 - Meeting Minutes