Dear M100 Families,
Hope everyone is having a great (and restful) weekend. Thank you to all the gracious volunteers who helped ensure our M100 was ready to perform for the first time this season in full uniform! They looked great and we really appreciate all the help! Gearing up for a busy, but fun week! We have 3 events - please read on….
Schedule for next week:
Belle tune - “Feel it Still”
Uniform - Full marching uniform
Mon. 9/23: 5-7:30pm rehearsal on parking lot. Alternates not on flag do not need to attend this rehearsal.
Tues. 9/24: 5-8pm stadium rehearsal - ALL MARCHERS WEAR A WHITE T-SHIRT PLEASE! We will rehearse with Belles at 5pm. Be on time with “Feel it Still” ready to go. Alternates not on flag - please attend rehearsal from 5pm-5:30pm. You will be assigned a prop responsibility.
Wed. 9/25: Middle School Performance Showcase - Tiger Stadium. See schedule below:
Uniform: Casuals - M100 Jersey, black pants, marching shoes + shakos (in boxes)
8:40AM - M100 Rehearsal at Tiger Stadium. Please on time and in uniform. Bring water bottle for breaks. No flip folders needed. Bring cases if chance of rain.
9:45AM - Welcome Middle schools/Begin fundamental block.
9:55AM - High school marching band explanations.
10:00AM - Run through of the show two times.
10:15AM - Leadership moves into the stands to visit with middle school students.
10:30AM - All students dismissed.
*All H.S. students who are primary marchers and / or on flag for mvt. 2 will be excused from classes at the main, 9, and New Tech for this event. If you are an Alternate and not doing flag work for mvt. 2, you will need to attend regular classes - you will not be excused for this performance. Thank you.
Thurs. 9/26: BHS vs. Shoemaker (Away). See itineraries tab on website
Fri. 9/27: 5-7:30pm rehearsal on parking lot. THIS HAS BEEN ON THE CALENDAR - ALL MARCHERS MUST ATTEND. (Alternates not on flag do not need to attend this rehearsal).
Sat. 9/28: Bands of America marching contest - See itineraries tab on website
All band members need to attend contests - whether they are primary marchers or not.
Region Jazz Auditions - Tuesday, 9-24:
Where: Bonham Middle School
Times: approx. 5:30pm - 10:00pm
*Auditionees need to provide their own transportation to and from the audition.
If a student certifies to tape for State, there is an additional $10 fee. Please bring payment with you the night of auditions. You will be issued a receipt. State recording will occur on the same night as auditions.
Clinic / Concerts:
Thursday, Nov. 14thclinic = Bonham Middle School 5:30 -8:30 pm
Saturday, Nov. 11thclinic/concert = clinic begins Temple College at 9:00 am
Concert at Temple College 5:30 PM
Parents - There is now a Parent Pick Up form on our website! Please see the link on the homepage. Use this form any time you wish to pick up your child from a football game or contest instead of having them ride the bus back. Please also let us know, in an email, that you have filled out the form as a back-up in case something goes wrong with technology (a frequent problem!)
Tiger Time update - We WILL NOT ask for everyone to come on Mondays to watch film anymore. We will watch on Mondays in class. New Tech students weren’t able to view with us AND we were having issues with monitoring attendance and lack of focus during the viewings. Leadership meetings continue on Tuesdays during Tiger Time.
The away game food choice for Sept. 26 is 3 chicken fingers or a grilled chicken sandwich from Zaxby’s. Each comes with coleslaw, chips, and a brownie. Orders have already been made. Please remember to come get your food right away when school is out on the 26th. Food will not be held late for students. Contact Michelle Masters ( if you have any questions or concerns.
*STUDENTS WILL NOT BE ABLE TO ATTEND THE FOOTBALL GAMES STARTING ON 9/20 IF THEY DO NOT HAVE ALL OF THEIR ITEMS AT INSPECTION!!!! We make every effort to help students go to the game - let them borrow used shoes or purchase a pair of socks from the uniform room or go fill up water bottle if it is not full upon inspection (if time), however, please ensure your child has everything they need for each game. WE HAVE THESE RULES IN PLACE AND WE WILL ENFORCE THEM AS THERE HAS BEEN PLENTY OF TIME FOR STUDENTS TO ACCLIMATE TO THE ROUTINE OF FOOTBALL GAME NIGHTS AND REQUIREMENTS. In addition to the above uniform requirements, we will begin enforcing stricter rules on the following (to ensure uniformity amongst members):
long hair must not stick out of the shako when worn, so long hair needs to be up in a tight bun. All fly-aways need to be pinned to the heat and sprayed with hairspray. DO NOT SPRAY ANY AEROSOL SPRAYS ANYWHERE BUT IN A RESTROOM! SEVERAL STUDENTS HAVE ASTHMA AND THESE SPRAYS CAN CAUSE THEM SERIOUS HARM. , No Jewelry whatsoever. Hair ties must be black, head bands may be worn but they too must be black. The idea is for us all to look uniform. There is also no eating in uniform. If you have a medical condition which requires you to eat during the game, let a director know asap (we should know already).
*Eligibility - Remember - All students must be passing ALL CLASSES by September 27, 2019 to be eligible for all of our contests this season. If a student fails on this day (the 6 weeks grade check) they are ineligible for all of our contests (except the one on the 28th). PLEASE - ALL STUDENTS - PASS ALL YOUR CLASSES ON SEPT. 27!!!!!
*Please make sure your child is hydrating throughout the day at school (water and/or Gatorade type drinks) and eating healthy meals so they are healthy and up to the challenge of marching band. This is especially important on game and contest days. STUDENTS MUST TAKE HOME WATER BOTTLES EVERYDAY AND RINSE/WASH THEM OUT!!!
Too many are left daily with water in them. Bacteria breeds and this can lead to sickness which means students will lose rehearsal and school time and get behind. That is not good for anybody! Be more careful about hygiene and what you put in your body please - for your own health!
*Contest days are coming! 9/28, 10/5, 10/12, and 10/19. Please reserve the entire day for the first 3 contest. UIL on the 19th will take up probably about half a day. Itineraries to come when we get final performance times from contest hosts. Thank you!