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Weekend Update 10-27-19


Dear M100 Families,

Thank you all for a wonderful Homecoming week - Great job at the Burning of the B - thanks for your flexibility as we tried to avoid the rain! Excellent job at the Game on Friday!   Great job by all! Thank you as well to all who volunteered to help run the 3A Area contest on Saturday - Everything ran smoothly! Much appreciated!

Schedule for this week:  

Belle tune:  “I’m a Believer”

Monday 10/28 - No after school rehearsal

Tuesday 10/29 - 5:00-5:45pm:  Full Band rehearsal with Belles in Stadium.  

*****RAIN PLAN:  Rehearse Thurs. 10/31 from 5-5:30pm if it rains on Tuesday******

Bring “I’m A Believer”  We will also run the show - no props.  All eligible students need to attend this rehearsal.

Wed. 10/31 and Thurs. 10/31 - No after school rehearsal (unless it rains - see above for rain plan)

Friday, 11/1 - Football Game - BHS vs. Waco (Away) 


Event: Football Game - BHS vs. Waco H.S.

Date: Friday, November 1, 2019

Location: Waco ISD Stadium, 1401 S. New Road, Waco, Tx. 76711

Halftime Performance Pieces:  “I’m a Believer” for Belles​, whole show / no props

4:25pm - Eat dinner in commons, polish brass insts, change into Full uniform:

Marching Jacket, Bibbers, shoes, long black socks, proper under-shirt and shorts (black M100), gloves.  

For inspection, you’ll need:

 To be in full uniform.  If you are not, you will not be able to go to the game with us. Hair put up properly if necessary - long hair in high, tight buns, no fly-aways for anyone.  No hair should be seen coming out of the shako when it is on. It is not necessary to wear the shako for inspection. Black, thick headbands recommended to keep hair inside of shako.

M100 water jug filled with water only. 

Flip folders, lyres (if you use one for your inst.), and instrument - cleaned and polished!

Shako in box - keep box open so section leaders can see inside

Percussion and Guard - see Mr. Smith and Mr. Hudnall for your specific requirements 

5:10pm - Leadership inspection in choir room

5:20pm - Inspection for all - commons / immediately following inspection - begin traditions if time

5:35pm - Dismiss to buses - take your uniform bags to bus with you.  If not too cold - Ride the bus in “Halves” = bibbers and under uniform shirt.  Jacket in uniform bag hanging neatly in the bus.

Fl, Cl, Alto, Tpt., - insts. On buses.  All others on semi.

5:45pm - Leave on buses 

6:45pm - Arrive / unload trailer / line up, move into stands, warm-up

7:30pm - Game begins

10:30pm - Game ends (approximate)

10:45pm - Exit stands

11:20pm - Leave game

12:15pm - Approximate arrival at BHS / unload trailer


12:40am - Band Hall closed.  All students picked up by this time please!

*Wednesday, October 30, 2019 - All Band students will have a substitute during class.  Mr. Johnny Bohlin will be their sub. He is a private lesson teacher at BHS and will rehearse the bands as usual on their Winter Concert music.  All students will be respectful and rehearse with excellent rehearsal etiquette. All directors will be off site visiting another band program for the day.  Thank you.

Please make sure your child is hydrating throughout the day at school (water and/or gatorade type drinks) and eating healthy meals so they are healthy and up to the challenge of marching band.  This is especially important on game and contest days.  

Project “Clean Up”!

The Band Managers, Drum Majors, and Directors are taking a more proactive approach to helping motivate students to keep the locker rooms and band hall clean.  Signs have been posted and an email went out on Friday explaining what will occur. Basically - keep everything clean and put instruments away properly or lose the privilege of using your band locker.  

Thank you as always for your continued support!  GO BIG RED!

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