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Weekend Update 10-1-19


Dear M100 Families,

Sorry this update is a bit late.  Some technical issues on Sunday with internet service :( Also - have had meetings pretty solidly today so I haven’t had much time to type.

Congratulations to all for an excellent performance on Saturday at BOA.  We came in 18th overall (out of 26). The students performed very well and have been working hard!  We will continue to learn the rest of our show for our next contest this Saturday in Waco.

Some updates:

Schedule for this week:  

Mon. 9/30:  5-7:30 rehearsal on parking lot.  No alternates need to attend

Tues. 10/1:  5-8pm stadium rehearsal - ALL MARCHERS WEAR A WHITE T-SHIRT PLEASE!

Alternates not on flag - attend from 5-5:30pm, Alternates on flag attend the whole rehearsal.  

Thurs. 10:  5-7:30pm rehearsal on parking lot.  Alternates not on flag do not need to attend.  Alternates on flag attend whole rehearsal.

Game on 10/4 - Home - against Temple.  Itinerary to come soon.

Eligibility - Remember - The end of the 6 weeks was 9/27.  Teachers must finalize all grades by 4pm October 1st. (just confirmed this today). If a student has a failing grade for PR2 (progress report 2) in Skyward after 5pm on Oct. 1, they are not eligible to go to the game on the 4th or any of our contests.  The next chance they get to regain eligibility would be the Oct. 18th report card and then they would be eligible again until the grace period is over which is Oct. 25th. We, the directors, will email all parents of students we believe to be ineligible as soon as we get an official failure list from the front office at BHS - probably not until Wednesday.

Please make sure your child is hydrating throughout the day at school (water and/or gatorade type drinks) and eating healthy meals so they are healthy and up to the challenge of marching band.  This is especially important on game and contest days. We did much better with this at the game on Friday! :-)

Itinerary for our next contest is on the website -  It is also here:

Contest: Midway Marching Preview 2019

Location: Midway ISD Panther Stadium, Hewitt, TX. 76643 Date: Saturday, October 5, 2019

10:00AM - Band Hall Open

10:30AM - Front Ensemble/ Guard/ DM’s / Band Managers meet at field to unload trailer (items left in trailer from game the night before)

10:45AM - All others arrive

11:00AM - 12:00PM - All practice in the STADIUM

12:05AM - Load trailer from the stadium - have all cases at the stadium for loading, Guard change/make-up/hair, lunch (provided by boosters) and others change into full uniform

1:15PM - Leadership inspection in the choir room

1:25PM - inspection for all - commons-be in uniform. Shakos in boxes, water jugs full

1:45PM - Dismiss to buses

2:00PM - Leave BHS for contest

3:00PM - Director check-in at contest

4:00PM - Band warm-up

4:30PM - Exit and move to gate

4:45PM - Enter field for performance

After performance - go back to buses to relax for a second and grab a drink of water. We will head back to the stands to hear awards. No time to change out of uniform.

5:30PM - Prelims Awards

*We will not know whether or not we made finals until the awards are called at 5:30PM. If we do, we will find out when we play around 5:50pm.

*Dinner provided by boosters

6:15PM - 1st Finalist band warms - up

7:00PM - 1st Finalist band performs

9:45PM - Finals Awards

10:30PM - approx. leave stadium for Belton HS 11:30PM - approx. arrival at BHS, unload trailers 12:15AM - band hall closed

If we do not make finals, we will leave the contest and arrive home around 6:30PM, unload trailer, and band hall closes at 7:30PM

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