Dear M100 Families,
Congratulations to all for an excellent performance Saturday at the Texas Marching Classic contest in Austin. We came in 16th out of 21 bands and a recap sheet showing the breakdown of scores will be displayed in the band hall tomorrow. The video will be posted on the website soon. The Band Staff is incredibly impressed with how far you’ve come in just a week! You’ve learned a lot and retained much. We are in a good place for the up-coming UIL competition! Thank you so much to our incredibly hard working parent volunteers and district truck and bus drivers. It takes a village!
Schedule for this week: Last week of contests - please DO NOT MISS REHEARSAL!!!
Belle tune this week: “I’m a Believer”
Tues. 10/15: 5-8pm PARKING LOT rehearsal
Wed. 10/16: 5-6:30pm PARKING LOT rehearsal
Thurs. 10/17: Away Football Game in Killeen (itinerary on website)
Friday 10/18: 5-7:30pm STADIUM rehearsal.
Saturday, 10/19: Region 8 UIL Marching Contest - itinerary on website
**Alternates on flag - attend rehearsal on Friday only
**Alternates not on flag - attend rehearsal on Tues. from 5-5:30pm only.
Please make sure your child is hydrating throughout the day at school (water and/or gatorade type drinks) and eating healthy meals so they are healthy and up to the challenge of marching band. This is especially important on game and contest days.
Starting the week of Oct. 21st we will reduce after school practices to one day a week unless we do not have good attendance and/or other extenuating circumstances arise. Please see band calendar for rehearsal dates.
Uniform / Band Hall Cleanliness - We need to continue to improve on ALL students hanging up their uniform correctly upon returning to the band hall after a performance. Uniforms need to be hung up neatly and kept outside of the bags to air out. Hang on the proper rack, not on lockers or elsewhere.
Keep your band hall clean of trash, food, drinks, and personal items. Keep all horns in lockers and TAKE WATER BOTTLES HOME EVERYDAY - clean them out for your own health/hygiene! Thank you to my fellow staff members, Drum Majors, Band Managers, and Section Leaders for helping to clean up the band hall after games/contests. If everyone does their part we can keep a clean, healthy facility. Take pride in your school, uniform, and this organization. It is a privilege to be a part of the M100.
Thank you!