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Weekend Update 9-8-19


Dear M100 Families,

Thanks for a great week and Football Game on Friday!  Much improved performance at halftime and overall performance throughout the game.   Another busy but fun week ahead- please read all announcements thoroughly. Thanks!

Some updates:

 Schedule for next week:  

Mon. 9/9:  5-7:30 rehearsal on parking lot, Tues. 9/10:  5-8pm stadium rehearsal - ALL MARCHERS WEAR A WHITE T-SHIRT PLEASE!  , Thurs. 9/12: 5-7:30pm rehearsal on parking lot. Game on 9/13 - at Copperas Cove.  Itinerary to come soon.

2.  Dot book grades - Please contact the conductor of your band if you have a concern about your grade in Skyward.  Each conductor enters his/her own grades. We will take up all dot books on Mon. 9/9 and grade them - looking to see if all of Mvt. 2 (Part 2) coordinates have been written in correctly.  Each set needs it’s own page so that you have room to write in visuals and other instructions if necessary. If you are an alternate doing flag work - you’ll need to present your dot book to Mr. H on Monday and he’ll give you further instructions.  No dot book=no flag work for you. YOU MUST HAVE A DOT BOOK! If you are an alternate and not doing the flag work, you must still present a dot book but do not have to write anything in it for mvt. 2 (Part 2)

3.  Since the game on 9/13 is an away game, all students will be fed.  The google form to make your choice of burrito expired Friday at 3pm.  If you have any questions or issues, please contact Mrs. Masters -

4.  We will still be in summer uniform (casual uniform) for the away game on 9/13.  Same uniform as this week and last week. We plan to wear full uniform on 9/20.

5.  STUDENTS WILL NOT BE ABLE TO ATTEND THE FOOTBALL GAMES STARTING ON 9/13 IF THEY DO NOT HAVE ALL OF THEIR ITEMS AT INSPECTION!!!!  Please ensure your child has everything they need for each game. For next game: M100 Jersey, black slacks - PLEASE NO LEGGINGS, BLACK JEANS, TIGHTS OR ANY OTHER VARIATION - PLEASE WEAR SLACKS ONLY!!!!, long black socks (not grey or white or any other color), black marching shoes (no other shoe), long hair in a pony tail - out of your face, no large earrings, no bracelets, no necklaces, no hair accessories.  Hair ties must be black, head bands may be worn but they too must be black. The idea is for us all to look uniform. Once we wear full uniform, no jewelry may be worn at all and all hair that is long must be in a tight bun and no hair can stick out beyond the shako (hat). Uniform rules must be strict. There is also no eating in uniform. If you have a medical condition which requires you to eat during the game, let a director know asap (we should know already).  


Due to increased need – I have asked our letter jacket company to send a Representative to our Picture Day on Sept. 14th. She will be in the band hall from 10am-noon on 9/14/19 if anyone who like to get fitted and order a jacket. She came by today and picked up all the orders I've collected so far. (didn't know when she was coming…). So – this will be your last opportunity to order a jacket this year, so please come by on the 14th between 10am and noon. Let me know NOW if you will not be able to make it for any reason. You can also come by and ask questions if you have already ordered.

Picture Day! Sept 14th 9am – 1pm

We will be taking pictures of band and guard students on Saturday, September 14th from 9am-1pm. There is a link for the sign-up bleow. The time slots are in 30 minute increments. Pictures in the marching uniform for band students and show uniform for guard students. Parents will be able to purchase 5×7 photos, ornaments, and buttons! Order forms will be sent out once proofs are complete. We strongly encourage all students to sign up for pictures on Saturday, even if you may not order them. We are wanting to put together a photo book for the students this year. If you are unable to attend due to obligations, please reach out to Brandy Hart at

6.  Eligibility - Remember - All students must be passing ALL CLASSES by September 27, 2019 to be eligible for all of our contests this season.  If a student fails on this day (the 6 weeks grade check) they are ineligible for all of our contests (except the one on the 28th). PLEASE - ALL STUDENTS - PASS ALL YOUR CLASSES ON SEPT. 27!!!!!

7.  Please make sure your child is hydrating throughout the day at school (water and/or gatorade type drinks) and eating healthy meals so they are healthy and up to the challenge of marching band.  This is especially important on game and contest days. We did much better with this at the game on Friday! :-)

8.  Make sure All Band members sign up for Tiger Time on Monday 9/9 to watch the video of the show from Friday.  Leadership - sign up for a meeting on Tues., 9/10. Wind Ensemble - sign up for extended rehearsals Thurs. And Fri.  Mr. Kwaku will open up Tiger Time for you to sign up. No one except leadership sign up on Tues. and no one except Wind Ensemble sign up for Thurs. And Fri. - we will send you to the front office if you try break these rules.  Thanks!

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