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Weekend Update 8-16-20


Dear M100 Family,

Hope this email finds you and your family well and safe!  Another excellent week with all of our M100 members!  Thank you students for your work ethic, dedication, and awesome attitudes!  Thank you staff for your hard work and equally positive and optimistic attitudes!   Please continue to engage in safe and distancing practices so that we can all stay healthy and continue to work with one another in person!

Si necesita hablar con alguien en español, envíeme un correo electrónico a  (Jasmine Biggs)


Students - please make sure you are eating a good, healthy breakfast before coming to camp.  Make sure you are hydrating everyday!  Take your current weight and then divide that number in half and drink that many ounces of water everyday to stay hydrated!  


Reminder - ALL students must wear masks while in the school building at all times when they are not playing a brass or woodwind instrument or eating or drinking.  Percussionists will wear the mask at all times while inside unless eating or drinking.  

Colorguard does not need to wear the mask while working out inside (distanced) but when on break - they should be in a mask.  They may wear the mask while working out if they choose.  Adults should be in masks at all times in the building when they are around others.

Here are the UIL guidelines we have been told to follow: (taken from

Face Coverings- Executive Order GA-29

Executive Order GA-29, regarding face coverings, applies to all UIL activities effective July 3, 2020. This includes the 2020-2021 school year. As the public health situation changes, and/or if subsequent Executive Orders are issued by Governor Greg Abbott, these guidelines may be further modified.

  1. For the purposes of this document, face coverings include non-medical grade disposable face masks, cloth face coverings (over the nose and mouth), or full-face shields to protect eyes, nose, and mouth.  

  2. All employees, parents, visitors and students ten years of age or older must wear face coverings or face shields upon entry to an area where UIL activities are being conducted and when not actively practicing or playing in the contest, unless an exception listed below applies.

  3. The face coverings requirements do not apply to a school in a county that meets the requirements of paragraph 11 of Executive Order GA-29, unless the local school system chooses to implement these requirements locally. Even in these circumstances, the wearing of face coverings or face shields is strongly encouraged.

Exceptions to the wearing of face coverings or face shields include:

  • Any person with a medical condition or disability that prevents wearing a face covering;

  • While a person is consuming food or drink;

  • While the person is in a swimming pool, lake, or similar body of water.

  • When a congregating group of persons maintains at least 6 feet of social distancing; or

  • Any other reason or circumstance indicated under Executive Order GA-29.


Zoom masterclasses have begun.  Please contact if you are having any trouble with any of the masterclasses.  We are working through some technical issues but we will get everything worked out.  We have at least one teacher who is not even in Texas.  Thanks for your patience.   (these sessions should NOT replace your regular private lessons if you are taking them).  Sessions are being updated daily.  You can find specific times here:

Please attend the proper masterclass according to the band you are in for the school year.  Zoom login info. And passwords will be shared asap.  Questions? - email


We have more letter jacket packets in the band hall if you need one.  The company representative will be back by August 21st to pick up one final time.  Please turn in all late packets by August 21st.  Thanks!


All parents are required to screen their children everyday before sending them to school for any reason.  Please notify if your child cannot attend practice due to symptoms or exposure to a positive or presumed positive case of COVID-19.  I will notify our campus nurse and she will contact you as per district policy.  Please do not send students if they have been experiencing any of the symptoms in this document:


After several changes and waiting for directives, we have received news just this week that we will continue with a competitive show plan for this school year.  We were unsure of the direction we would need to take in regards to the show for all of the summer.  After careful consideration and in an attempt to somewhat re-design the show based on new UIL recommendations and guidelines, here is how we will proceed with show design for this Fall:

The 1st, 2nd, and 4th movements of “Fiesta Espana” will be prepared for performance & competition.

The drill is currently being re-written for a show shorter in length and with less visual demand.

No props will be utilized.

Performance schedule:

Football games -  We still do not have a directive as to how many football games we will attend and in what capacity (full band / small group, etc.).

Contests - This area is also uncertain except that UIL Region Marching Contest is still on and has been moved to Dec. 5, 2020.  Area contest should be the Saturday after, and State is still on????  

We will share any new information as we get it.




Belton High School is planning a modified "Walk the School" event on September 1st and 2nd.  The school will be open for students to pick up technology, textbooks, and parking permits.  The M100 will also use this opportunity to do uniform fittings and individual photos.  There will not be any rehearsal on these days.  Returning M100 members will be asked to stop by the band hall during their scheduled block of time to try on their uniform.  Parent volunteers will be there to check the uniforms, note any needed alterations, and facilitate the student photos.  Freshman and new members should allow more time to be measured and assigned a uniform.  Guard members will also have their individual photos taken; Mr. Hudnall will communicate the details with those students. 

Tuesday, September 1st - Seniors (8am-12pm), Juniors (1pm-4pm)

Wednesday, September 2nd - Sophomores (8am-12pm), Freshman (1pm-4pm)

We will be taking the following COVID-19 precautions:

  • The uniforms will be placed alphabetically on chairs that are 6ft apart. 

  • Students will be encouraged to dress in their assigned area. (Some private dressing areas will be available.)

  • M100 members should arrive in modest clothes that fit easily under their uniform. (shorts and t-shirts or "unders") Band shoes not required.

  • Students wishing to pose with their instrument should bring their own instrument.

  • Parents may be asked to wait outside the band hall if crowding becomes an issue.

  • Uniform pieces that are "tried on" a student will be fully laundered before being used again the following day.

  • Chairs and dressing stations will be sanitized before the next group arrives.


More Band Officers were added to the list as of Friday.  Congratulations to:

2nd Lieutenant - Abby Howell

Quarter Master - Caden Smith

Assistant Quarter Masters - Haley Musquiz & Tristen Zikuhr

Band Managers - Madison Limbrick, Hannah Lonnecker, and Jacob Masters

*Need more band managers.  Email if you are interested.


Wednesday, August 19th - Panda Express on West Adams.


If you are using a school owned instrument (including percussion), you will be assessed an instrument rental fee of $62.50 per instrument per semester.  We will ask for payment of these fees during the second week of school (Sept. 14th).  Payments will be delivered to Mrs. Gill and not paid through Charms.  Payments only in the form of cash (in an envelope with student’s name on it) or check made out to Belton HS Band.  Payments are deposited into an account to be used for repair and general maintenance on instruments.  Students will receive a form indicating the amount they owe in the coming weeks.  

Thank you and please stay safe and healthy!

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