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Weekend Update 7/31


Updated: Aug 7, 2022

Dear M100 Family,

Our first week of Summer Band was a success! The students are showing great potential for this season and I am looking forward to begin learning the drill for our 2022 production this week! Here is your weekend update!


August 1 and August 4-5 - Summer Band Week 2 (8:30am-5:00pm)

-Everyone Meet in Band Hall on August 1st at 8:30am

August 2 - Summer Band (8:30am-3:00pm)

August 3 - Fine Arts Showcase Performance/Summer Band (*9:00am-5:00pm)

-Attire: Red M100 T-Shirt, Black Athletic Shorts

*August 8-9 - Summer Band Week 3 (5:00pm-8:00pm EVENING REHEARSAL)

August 10-11 - Summer Band Week 3 (8:30am-5:00pm)

August 12 - Summer Band Week 3 (8:30am-11:30am)

August 13 - Meet the Tigers Performance (6:00pm Call Time, 7:00 pm Performance)

August 15 - Convocation Performance (Call Time TBD, 8:30am performance)

*After receiving the Teacher PD schedule, we will need to adjust the rehearsal times for August 8 and 9. On these days, there will ONLY be rehearsal from 5:00pm-8:00pm. Please email if you are unable to attend this rehearsal due to the last minute change. I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

August 8-9

5:00pm-6:00pm - Sectionals

  • Brass - Band Hall

  • Woodwinds - Orchestra Room

  • Percussion - PAC

  • Guard - BMS Gym

6:00pm-8:00pm - Marching Rehearsal

  • Everyone - Practice Field


MISSED EVERYTHING DAY? - If you were not able to attend Everything Day this past Saturday, please email to get set up with completing forms and orders.

STUDENTS DOWNLOAD UDBAPP PRO - M100 Students, to prepare for tomorrow, please download the UDBApp Pro app on your cellular device. The M100 uses UDBApp Pro to learn drill coordinates during marching rehearsal. We will be going over registration instructions tomorrow in the band hall at 8:30am.

M100 SPRING TRIP INTEREST SURVEY - Parents and Guardians, please check your email for a survey I sent out yesterday requesting feedback for a potential M100 Spring Trip for 2022-2023. If you are able, please complete this survey by the end of the day today, July 31st. Thank you!


NEW YEAR, NEW REMIND - There will be a new Remind for the new school year. Remind is used to send out pertinent info and updates to M100 families and members. Follow the instructions below to join the 2022-2023 M100 Remind.

  • Join with the Remind app or text this code to 81010 - @m1002223

PRE-PARTICIPATION PHYSICAL EXAM - Every member of the program must complete a Physical Exam in order to be cleared to participate in marching band. Forms for each participant must be turned in by Monday, August 1st at 8:00am. Click HERE to access the link to the forms. The forms that need to be completed depend on the student's grade level:

  • 9th and 11th Grade - Medical History AND Physical Examination forms required

  • 10th and 12th Grade - Medical History form required ONLY

AFTER SCHOOL REHEARSAL SCHEDULE - The calendar has been updated with all of the after school marching rehearsals for the season. Please check the calendar frequently to keep up with the weekly rehearsal schedule. A few things to note:

  • The first week of school will have 5:00pm-8:00pm rehearsals on Thursday, August 17 and Friday, August 18.

  • Rehearsals will occur on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays. Monday/Thursday will be from 5:00pm-7:30pm, and Tuesdays will be from 5:00pm-8:00pm.

  • There will be no rehearsals on Wednesdays, with the exceptions of the following dates

  • Wednesday, September 7, 5:00pm-8:00pm (No school/rehearsal on Monday, September 5)

  • Wednesday, September 21, 5:00pm-8:00pm (No rehearsal on Tuesday, September 20 due to TMEA All-Region Jazz Auditions)

  • Wednesday, October 12, 5:00pm-8:00pm (No school/rehearsal on Monday, October 10)

  • The stadium availability schedule has not been finalized, meaning stadium rehearsals cannot be determined at this time. We will try our best to preserve the schedule as is and will notify everyone ASAP if we need to change the rehearsal schedule for the week.

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