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Weekend Update 7-19-20


Dear M100 Family,

Here are your latest announcements and reminders for today, 7-19-20.  Hope everyone is safe and well!

New Remind Codes for 2020-2021!

Please join our new M100 Reminds!  To join a class, text the code to 81010

All Students:  @20202021m1

Parents:  @8g24b8

Leadership:  @ea3aadb

*Guard and Percussion - contact your instructor

Sign-Up Genius for M100 Leadership Team Work Days July 27 & 28:

Only for section leaders and drum majors.  You don’t have to be in the same group both days but we can only have a max of 11 in each group.  Staggered times so we avoid group contact as one group is leaving and one is coming in.  You must stay at least 6’ away from each other at all times AND you must wear a mask.  Will let you know the best door to enter/exit as we get closer to the 27th.  Bring your own water bottle if you like and you cannot share water or any other drinks/food.  Work will be done indoors.  Bring gloves if you’d like - not required but everything is pretty dirty due to construction.  We will remind you of safety precautions when you arrive.  This is voluntary.  Thank you!

Please email if you cannot attend. 

Fall Show Solo Audition Results:

Results will be shared at a later date and once we have more definite information on what our fall semester will look like.  More information will be shared as soon as we get it.  Thanks for your patience and thanks to all who submitted an audition recording!

Leadership Training from SASI - August 1st and 2nd:

Professional leadership training for section leaders and drum majors will take place on Aug. 1st and 2nd and will be done virtually.  Manny Maldonado from SASI will be doing the training.  He is awesome and a long time friend!  He was one of the founding fathers of the company and is truly inspirational.  You will get A LOT out of this experience and he has already conducted many camps virtually this summer with much success.  These are live sessions so you’ll need to attend at these times:

August 1 - 9am-noon

August 2 - 1pm-4pm

More information regarding log-in and camp supplies coming soon!  Please reserve these dates/times.  Students are not responsible for the training camp fee.  

Texas Music Educators Association All State Audition etudes are available for you on our band website!  Find your etudes and click to download!

TBA Student Day

Hope you enjoyed TBA Student Day yesterday!  If you weren’t able to attend, TBA will post replays of the sessions.  They are working on this and they should be ready within the coming days.  As soon as the replays are ready, they will swap out the live schedule with the replays, which can be accessed using the same link. 

 Here is the url: 

Type in your name and school - Belton High School -  to access the clinics.  There is an especially helpful area where you can access professionals teaching and performing the All State Etudes.  Great way to get a head start on your preparation!

Turn in your FORMS!

All due on August 1st, but you can turn them in early if you like.  The physical form needs to be uploaded.  Go to the homepage of our website for instructions on the physical form:

The other forms (handbook, drug testing, acknowledgment) can be emailed to  IF you need hardcopies of forms, we will have them at the band hall starting next week.  Let me know if you need any forms and when you would be able to come by and grab them.  Someone will be at the band hall from 9am-4pm daily.

No one can enter the building without a mask on please.  Thank you!

Colorguard and Percussion camps - July 20-24.  Students in these groups should watch their email for correspondence from Mr. Hudnall and Mr. Smith with details. Parents must also pre-screen their child for COVID symptoms before they are allowed to come to camp everyday.  Here is the screening information:


Do you have any of the following new or worsening signs or symptoms? 

  • Cough

  • Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing

  • Chills

  • Repeated shaking with chills

  • Muscle pain

  • Headache

  • Sore throat

  • Loss of taste or smell

  • Diarrhea

  • Feeling feverish or a measured temperature greater than or equal to 100.0 degrees Fahrenheit

  • Known close contact with a person who is lab confirmed to have COVID-19 if exposure to the active confirmed case occurred within the last 14 days Any person who answers yes or refuses to answer the question will be excluded from school grounds and facilities.  Thank you for doing your part to keep the Big Red Community.


Also - please remember these camps are VOLUNTARY but please let your instructor know if you won’t be attending so they can accurately plan.  Thank you!

Mrs. Flowers goodbye video:

A reminder from Mrs. Cobb - Booster President-

Hey Former Students of Mrs. Flowers!!

Mrs. Flowers at Lake Belton Middle School has retired after 20 years of service to Belton ISD. The Directors, the Boosters, and with the help of Sam Foreman, would like to post a video of all her former students saying thank you. This is not mandatory, but if you would like to participate…. this is how!

1. Use a place that has good lighting and we can see your face. (no backlighting)

2. Use Landscape mode.

3. Wear Belton spirit wear

4. Say your name and a short 1 sentence of thank you and enjoy retirement. 

5. Send your video to

Network with all your classmates to let everyone know from LBMS and we can give Mrs. Flowers a proper send off and show her our appreciation! You have until noon on July 22, 2020. Thank you and GO TIGERS!

Thank you and please stay safe and healthy!

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