May 17, 2020
Video weekend update on YouTube:
Congratulations once again to all students who will serve as leaders next school year in the M100. Section leaders please remember that you have professional training on July 27th and 28th which has been paid for. Please let me know ASAP if you have any sort of conflict with these dates. Camp is at BHS.
Here is a link to a google form for students to sign up if they are interested in any of the band officer positions that remain open. Directors will choose those positions later in the summer. Form expires on May 22nd.
The interest form is located on the Students page on the Band Website. And, don’t forget, the Password to the Students Page is M100!
The band directors will be available May 20th and 21st for students to come to the front of the school driveway to retrieve and/or drop off items. All of this information was sent to you in email on Monday, May 11th
Two sign-up forms were also shared with you. If you have any business to take care of with us on either day…fill out these two forms ASAP! We need to know ahead of time so we can prepare – STUDENTS WILL NOT BE ENTERING THE BUILDING. There is much construction AND we are trying to continue social distancing.
Brass players – please remember we CANNOT access the brass locker room due to construction.
Please fill out a sign-up genius indicating when you will be coming by the school to pick up or drop off items.
Fill out this google form to let us know ahead of time what you'll need - items out of their locker, drop off instrument or uniform, etc.
SENIORS - Please come by Wed. at 6pm even if you don't have anything to collect or drop off as we will have SENIOR GIFTS for you! We will also take your marching shoes and/or unders donations if you won’t need them in the future.
Staggered Schedule:
May 20: 6:00-7:00pm - Seniors
7:00-8:00pm - Juniors
May 21: 6:00-7:00pm - Sophomores
7:00-8:00pm - Freshmen
cars enter the main entrance of BHS, like they'd do for normal student drop-off, then exit through the teacher parking lot and back onto Hwy 121. Same route used for graduation cap and gown pick-up. Band staff will have items lined up outside on the sidewalks.
Staff will be in gloves and masks
We ask that no one be in the passenger side of vehicles if possible to allow for social distancing for staff and others when doing hand-offs / retrievals.
Students and Parents are not to exit vehicles or enter the building.
Summer Band is still scheduled to begin in late July. A Colorguard and Percussion Camp is scheduled for July 20-24, Band Leadership on the 27th and 28th, and All students back for Summer Band on July 29th. Please see the Band Calendar and PowerPoint on our band website home page for more details.
Also – Marching Show music should be available before the end of May.
A reminder that Jazz Band classes have been moved to 7th period for next year and Concert Band to 4thperiod due to facility issues.
The M100 is signed up for the Annual Belton 4th of July Parade and we will play Grandioso again. Mr. Kwaku made the music available in an email on May 11th. Here is the link to the google drive where the music and instructions are located:
Please learn your assigned part.
We will let you know if anything changes regarding this parade.
Your last Band Assignment was due this past week. No more assignments will be sent for the rest of the semester. Use the remainder of the time to catch up on band and other assignments if you need. Contact your band director if you are having any problems turning in work.
There will be an end of the year Zoom meeting for each band class on Tuesday, May 26th! Here is the schedule and Zoom ID’s and passwords:
9:00am-9:30am – Wind Ensemble
Meeting ID: 916 2665 0791
Password: 540446
9:30am-10:00am – Symphonic 1 (now Wind Symphony)
Meeting ID: 912 1686 3239
Password: 540446
10:00am-10:30am – Symphonic 2
Meeting ID: 911 8951 7958
Password: 540446
10:30am-11:00am – Concert Band
Meeting ID: 921 5342 2605
Password: 8ayTy2
End of the year announcements will be made. This is an optional zoom meeting but it would be great to see everybody one last time before summer and there will be time for you to ask questions if you need. Hope to see you there!
