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Weekend Update 11-1-19


Updated: Nov 3, 2019

Dear M100 Families,

Another great week at BHS!  I’m providing this newsletter a little earlier as we need information from you by Monday about food for the next game. (see information below and fill out google form please - everyone)

See the Charms email (sent on 11/3) or a band director for the order form for the panoramic picture we will take as a full Band on Fri., Nov. 8th before the game. If you want to purchase a photo, students need to bring their order form and payment on picture day. A representative will be on campus the following Wednesday, November 14th, during the lunch periods to distribute pictures. The rep will leave the pictures that are paid for, but not picked up on Wednesday with a band director.

All Woodwind and Brass players in the band program need to purchase the following book for concert season. This is a warm-up book for rehearsals. If you already have it from middle school - Great!

Students have been asked to have this book for this week of rehearsals. The directors have asked that all students start bringing it to class tomorrow.

Foundations for Superior Performance Foundations for Superior Performance (Warm-Ups and Technique for Band)

Richard Williams & Jeff King - Neil A. Kjos Music Company

$6.95 at

*You may be able to purchase this at local music stores but you can get it online for sure.

Percussionists do not need to purchase this book.

Senior Band Members (includes Woodwind, Brass, Percussion and Colorguard) - please be at the parking lot practice field Thursday, Nov. 7th at 5:00pm to practice for your halftime senior recognition. This practice should be over no later than 5:45pm.

Schedule for this week: 

Monday 11/4 - 4:45-5:45pm - Wind Ensemble Full Ens. Rehearsal (winds and percussion) in the band hall.  

5:00-8:00pm - Winter Guard auditions for placement - gym at the 9

Tuesday 11/5 - In all band classes - students will be fitted for formal uniforms.  Girls - please bring the shoes you plan to wear with your dresses (hems). I would advise not wearing very high heels for safety.  

4:30-6:00pm - Full Orchestra rehearsal in the band hall (Strings, Winds, and Percussion)

Wednesday, 11/6 - Schlotsky’s Spirit Night - 1012 E. 2nd Ave., Belton, TX.

Thursday, 11/7 - 5:00-5:45pm - Senior Band Member practice at parking lot practice field. For all Woodwind, Brass, Percussion, and Guard seniors.

Friday, 11/8 - Football Game - Senior Night.  BHS vs. Waco Midway

*****This is a home game, however, WE WILL TAKE A GROUP PICTURE with the band so students will not have time to leave campus.  Everyone will be able to eat in the commons - this is included in the fees you have already paid.  

Please make your sandwich choice from Backyard BBQ in Morgan’s Point by noon on Monday, Nov. 4. The sandwich will come with chips, dessert, and a drink. 

Please use this link to make your choice:


Event: Football Game - BHS vs. Waco Midway

Date: Friday, November 8, 2019 

Location: Home- Tiger Stadium

No Halftime Performance - Senior Recognitions only


3:45pm – All students released from class – go to commons to eat then change into uniform/ polish instruments.  *New Tech students - take Bus#72 (the 3:18pm shuttle) to BHS.

4:40pm – Inspection for leaders – choir room

4:50pm – Inspection for everyone – commons

For inspection, you’ll need:

 To be in full uniform. Hair put up properly if necessary - long hair in high, tight buns, no fly-aways for anyone.  No hair should be seen coming out of the shako when it is on. It is not necessary to wear the shako for inspection. Black, thick headbands recommended to keep hair inside of shako.

M100 water jug filled with water only. 

Flip folders, lyres (if you use one for your inst.), and instrument - cleaned and polished!

Shako in box - keep box open so section leaders can see inside

Percussion and Guard - see Mr. Smith and Mr. Hudnall for your specific requirements 

5:05pm – everyone move out to the practice field

5:15pm – out at the parking lot practice field for picture - pictures in full uniform but not wearing shako. You’ll need your instrument for the picture as well.

6:00pm – finished with picture

6:00pm – 6:30pm – short practice in the parking lot

6:30pm – line up to march over to stadium

6:40pm – march to stadium

6:50pm – enter the stands

7:00pm – in stands (pregame begins)

7:30pm – Game starts

Halftime – Senior recognition – no halftime performance

10:30pm – Game ends / back to band hall

11:30pm - Band Hall closed - all students picked up


Please make sure your child is hydrating throughout the day at school (water and/or gatorade type drinks) and eating healthy meals so they are healthy and up to the challenge of marching band.  This is especially important on game and contest days.  

Project “Clean Up”!

The Band Managers, Drum Majors, and Directors are taking a more proactive approach to helping motivate students to keep the locker rooms and band hall clean.  Signs have been posted and an email went out on Friday explaining what will occur. Basically - keep everything clean and put instruments away properly or lose the privilege of using your band locker.  

Thank you as always for your continued support!  GO BIG RED!

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