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New Year Update 1-8-19


Dear M100 Families, Welcome Back! As with every January start of school, it’s a wild, crazy ride all the way to June! Spring is the busiest but very exciting as we prepare for the numerous contests and performances and a trip this semester all in addition to planning for next year’s marching show, etc. So nice to see our students and staff again and hit the ground running with our preparations! Hope everyone had a wonderful and restful break! Here we go…


Medical forms were due to Mrs. Gill on Monday, Dec. 16th. If you need a form please see the website – Senior Spring Trip 2020. Also – the check for monies earned from students working concession and other refunds was mailed yesterday to the trip company. Another payment is coming up due on the 11th. Please check your account on the trip website in the coming days as the fundraising monies should be applied. Thanks!


*AREA AUDITIONS – Here is the information handed out to students today during class:

Area D auditions

Saturday, January 11, 2019

Duncanville High School

900 W. Camp Wisdom Rd.

Duncanville, TX. 75116

What to bring with you: instrument, music (numbered), pencils, water, book / homework for the cafeteria – waiting, money for lunch – you will need to eat concessions unless you bring food with you. Make sure you eat a good breakfast and/or bring extra food – it’s a long day. Money for dinner – fast food. Wear comfortable clothing. Anything else you may want for the bus ride, etc. Bring $20 cash in case you make State – there is a fee.


6:30AM – Students meet in BHS band hall

6:50AM – load bus and leave for contest

9:20AM – arrive at Duncanville High School

10:00 AM—Monitor Meeting in the Library 10:30 AM—Judge Meeting in the Library 10:30 AM—Student Check-In in designated rooms

11:00 AM—Auditions begin

5:00-6:00PM – Leave DHS, stop to pick up dinner on the way home – probably fast food. Bring $

8:30-9:00PM – Approximate time back at BHS, unload, dismiss

*Updates will be sent through Remind in regards to the time we leave DHS and when we are close to being back at BHS.

AUDITION ROOMS (and audition order for multiple instrument rooms)

East Cafeteria—Warm Up, Results Posting and Student Concessions

6A Piccolo, Flute —H132 (Choir Room) 6A English Hn, Oboe, Bassoon—H135 6A Bb Clarinet—H124 (Black Box Theatre) 6A Eb Clar, Alto Clar, Bass Clar, Contra—B232 6A Bari, Tenor, Alto Saxophone—B152 6A Trumpets—Alexander Auditorium 6A Horns—H133 (Orchestra Room) 6A Bass, Tenor Trombones—J161 6A Euphonium, Tuba—J160 6A Percussion—H140 (Band Hall)

All State Registration—A123 (“Go Center”)


Please remind your students of the behavior expectations while a visitor to Duncanville High School. Students are not allowed to be in the hallways while auditions are being held. You may want to bring chaperones to assist with the East Cafeteria while your students wait for the conclusion of the auditions.

Remind your students of the TMEA Electronics Policy during the auditions. These policies will be strictly enforced.

Parents must wait in the East Cafeteria and may not be in the hallways during the auditions.


Before leaving the audition site, make sure your all State students register and pay their $20 All State Fee in the “Go Center” located between the East Cafeteria and the Library. They will also receive their family tickets to the All State Concerts.

Directors of All State students will need to pick up the All State Housing information in the “Go Center”.


In the event we have weather issues, our back-up plan is to first delay the contest until conditions improve then, if necessary, move the contest to Sunday, January 12th starting at 3 PM with the judge meetings.

------------------------------------------------------------------------------*REGION BAND CLINIC/CONCERT – JANUARY 17 & 18. Do not plan anything else on these days. Schedule is located on the Itineraries section of our website – More details about schedule:

Friday, January 17th:

11:20 – 11:50am: All students should go to A lunch

12noon: All students report to band hall, roll check, then load bus

1:30 – 4:30pm: Rehearsal at Copperas Cove HS

4:30-6:00pm: Dinner Break – bring $$$

6:00 – 9:00pm: Rehearsal

10:00pm – approximate arrival back at BHS (on bus)

Saturday, January 18th:

8:00am: Meet at BHS, roll check, load bus

9:00am – 1:00pm: Rehearsal at CCHS

1:00pm – Lunch Break and Dress (bring $$$)

*see itinerary for concert call and performance times. Students will need their school issued formal wear for this concert. Students may ride home with parents after the concert – will need a note from parent if you wish for your child to do this instead of riding the bus back to school after the concerts.


Schedule for the rest of this week and next week:

(Sectionals for all bands will begin this month. Confirmation on start date will be discussed in band classes and then sectionals will be posted to the band calendar by each director. Sectionals will start either the week of Jan. 13th or Jan. 20th)

Thurs., Jan. 9 5:00pm – 8:00pm JV Winter Guard rehearsal

Fri., Jan.10 5:00pm – 8:00pm – Varsity Winter Guard rehearsal

Sat., Jan. 11 Area competition for those who qualified. See info. above

Mon., Jan. 13 5:00pm – 8:00pm JV Winter Guard rehearsal

Tues., Jan. 14 5:00pm – 8:00pm JV & C Winter Guard rehearsal

Thurs., Jan. 16 5:00pm – 8:00pm – Varsity Winter Guard rehearsal

Fri., Jan. 17 Region Band Clinic / Concerts (see above for info.) &

5:00pm – 8:00pm – Varsity Winter Guard rehearsal

Sat., Jan. 18 Region Band Clinic / Concerts (see above for info.)


UNIFORMS: Please turn in your concert uniform if you haven’t already (unless you are a Region Band participant)

If a student has lost all or part of it, they will be financially responsible for its replacement.

Uniform Price List (in case of loss or damage):

Notch Lapel Tuxedo Jacket- $60

Adjustable Tuxedo pants- $28

Melisma Gown- $71

3-5 weeks to ship and does not include tax or shipping. 

Up-Coming Events can be found on our Band Website Calendar -

Thank you as always for your continued support! GO BIG RED! 

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