Dear M100 Family,
I wanted to let everyone know some news. It is with mixed emotions that I communicate a very recent development in my career. I will not be returning to Belton ISD this coming Fall because I have accepted a position as the Director of Fine Arts for Lake Travis ISD. This is a huge opportunity for me and my family and the culmination of many years of effort and preparation towards the career goal of Fine Arts administration. I am super excited but also sad to leave this wonderfully supportive band family I’ve made over the last 3 years.
This has all just happened within the past week so I was not able to say goodbye to everyone in person as I would have liked. I will be coming out at the end of the 4th of July parade rehearsal at BHS on July 2nd around noon to say goodbye in person.
Next steps: BISD will begin the process of searching for a new Head Band Director for BHS. I fully trust the Administration will find the very best new director to lead the M100 and you all will continue progressing and reaching new heights as a program! You have an awesome team of directors and the most supportive administration in Texas!
Some Thank You Notes…
Thank you to the students, current and past, for welcoming me from the beginning, being so strong and persevering through some very difficult times and continuing to make outstanding progress. We had a fun and successful show in Fall of 2020 despite all the hurdles, in the Fall of 2021, we had the best showing at Area for BHS ever in 6A, narrowly missing finals by just one place, and you will have a truly outstanding show next year (everything is planned and well underway!) Our concert ensembles earned straight ones every year we competed! We had 3 TMEA All Staters this past school year, the 1st time since 1971!, the Colorguard and Winterguard enjoyed numerous successes with the Varsity Guard coming in 8th place at State this year! Our Percussion program is outstanding and keeps the band on the beat (literally) AND has been very successful at Drumline contests! The Jazz Band is fantastic and competes very well itself! Individual student successes have continued and the level of musicianship from all students just gets better and better! I absolutely hope that you all have enjoyed your experience in band, formed lasting friendships, and a life-long love of music. Once graduated, I hope you can always look back on your time at BHS fondly and continue participating and enjoying music in your life forever!
Thank you to all of our parents and Boosters for outstanding support and generosity with your time, efforts, funding, and welcoming and trusting us with your children. I truly appreciate your help with marching band, concert band, colorguard, props…Everything! Couldn’t have done it without you. Thank you for your continued support, especially during this next transition.
Thank you to the administration for your support and constant behind the scenes work. Administration is often a thankless job but we would not have what we need to do the work we do without their support and efforts (funding, staffing, facilities, advocacy). They truly care about this program and will do everything they can to find the next best person for the job!
Last but not least - my staff. Brothers, best group I’ve ever worked with. I leave this program in your capable hands. I can go on to the next step in my life with the security of knowing that not only will this program be fine, it will continue to get better and better! This band is on the right track, has the finest staff, and nothing can stop you from being the best in Texas! (as Mr. Smith (Principal) frequently says :-).
Thank you to all who have made my experience at BHS so wonderful. I wouldn’t have wanted to be anywhere else the last 3 years, especially to weather the storm of the pandemic. We initially moved to get back to the Central TX area where we could be closer to family, we didn’t know we’d also make a new family and feel so loved and supported.
All the best and thank you for making these past 3 years so unforgettable and enjoyable.
-Mrs. Gill
